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When we've got something to say,
you'll find it here

Our very first blog post

Our very first blog post. If you’re new to Melon and all that we do, then this is a good starting place.

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Oh My Sole! It’s a One in a Melon Mobile Takeover!

We did a cheeky thing, and Veldkskoen responded in the best way possible. They even wrote a blog for us.

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A mobile evolution. Or is it a revolution?

We get a bit mixed up by the terminology, but the big news is that Melon Mobile, Africa’s first truly digital telco, is once again setting the pace.

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Now open for business

Now open for business. We’ve got some juicy news that’s sure to get the business world buzzing.

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Melon Mobile and SourseAI

If you want the best news, go straight to the SourseAI. Ok, we can’t keep coming up with clever headlines, so this one has to do.

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